Group Classes

No partner required! During group class, teachers introduce new concepts and moves that will be expanded upon during private lessons Group classes are included for free for any student taking 2+ lesson/month. Drop in rate is $15/class. Not sure what all the class types are? Scroll down to learn more.


Group Classes

  • Newcomer class is for brand new dancers. Come learn the basic with other beginners. More advanced dancers always welcome to support the newcomers (and how about trying out the opposite dance role while you are here!)

  • For dancers ready to move beyond newcomer. B1 focuses on basics across a range of dance styles.

  • After graduating from bronze 1, students start to apply the fundamentals to advance in their dancing.

  • For students beyond bronze who are looking to challenge themselves and learn more advanced techniques and skills. Often taught by Margery (18+ years of teaching experience)!

  • For students of any dance level. This class is equal parts learning and social. This is a great time for students of all levels to get to know each other while learning new techniques and skills

  • Similar to Open to All, but skews more advanced. A chance for dancers to get introduced to more advanced concepts and skills even if they aren’t quite ready to study them during private lessons. For anyone who knows Nick, and his love of all things dance, this is his weekly chance to get on his soapbox and teach/fix/dive into whatever skills or other techniques he has been hyper focused on for the week :)

  • Like a party but with a focus on practice versus socializing. Dance to a variety of different styles (usually 1-2 minutes at a time) with teachers and other amateurs.

  • Usually the 4th Saturday of the month. The social will always start with a lesson followed by social dancing. Often there is a group trip for food/ice cream after. Social dances are meant to be a fun time dancing and hanging out with dancers from around the area. Unlike group classes where most of the students are Ignis students, social dances draw dancers from a variety of schools and styles. Social dances are a great time to expand your dance network and focus on dancing for the joy of dancing (and stop worrying so much about whatever skill or technique you are struggling to master)!