Don’t let your fears keep you off the dance floor
We truly believe anyone can dance. But we know how scary it can be to step onto the dance floor for the first time. Let us address some of the common concerns and questions we hear from students.
I’ve never been the super creative, artsy type. Will I fit in in the dance community?
The short answer, yes! The Boston area dance scene is made up of dancers of all ages, backgrounds and interests. So whether you are drawn to dance because its sparks your creative side, because you love the math and physics of movement, or a combination of both, you will find likeminded friends in dance. From the extrovert who loves the party scene to the introvert who enjoy the quiet connection between two dancers, you will find your people in the ballroom world.
I want to dance but I have always been told I have no rhythm and two left feet.
If you are nervous about dancing, you are not alone. Many of us (us teachers included!) felt nervous when we started dancing. (Check out this article from Psychology Today that talks about how common this fear is!). But the good news is, in our nearly 30 years of combined dance teaching experience, we have never met a student who couldn’t learn. So it’s ok to be nervous. Just don’t let it stop you from getting on the dance floor!
I have always wanted to ballroom dance, but I don’t have a partner.
While it’s called partner dance, no partner is required! In fact, we actively discourage students from only dancing with only one person (it’s an easy way to pick up and reinforce bad habits). Whether you are in group class, a social party, or a practice sessions all of our students dance with each other. So join us and dance like you’ve always dreamed.
Ballroom dancing looks close and intimate. I feel funny dancing like that with strangers.
Argentine Tango dancer Carlos Gavito said it best, “When you dance with a partner you are close and the dance is very suggestive, but it is not personal … “Close is what the music inspire you to become. The embrace looks personal, but what we are actually embracing is the music.”
Good ballroom dancing is all about partnership, communication, and consent. And in a world where likes and reposts have replaced person to person connection, that sort of partnership can feel new and sometimes a little awkward. And that is 100% normal! However, we promise, as you become more comfortable with your dancing you will no longer feel uncomfortable. If you look around at the experienced dancers, you will notice everyone dances with everyone, whether friends, intimate partners, or complete strangers. There is no pressure for a dance to be anything more than a chance for two people to platonically connect and be creative together (but if you are dancing with your sweetie, then a dance can be a truly magical moment of connection).